The 28th Annual Marmaduke H. Dent Benefit
Our 28th Marmaduke Dent Benefit took place on August 30, 2024 at 6 p.m., the evening before the WVU vs. Penn State football game. Hosted at the home of all WVU alumni, the Erickson Alumni Center, we enjoyed an evening filled with Mountaineer spirit while supporting future generations of students and alumni.
What is the Marmaduke Dent Benefit?
A longstanding tradition of the WVU Alumni Association, the Marmaduke Dent Benefit brings alumni and friends together each year for a special cause. While the event has had many unique themes and exciting features over the years, one thing has always remained the same – Mountaineers can expect an evening of camaraderie, music, delicious food, and philanthropy. Named after WVU’s first-ever graduate, Marmaduke Dent, this benefit is the organization’s largest annual fundraising event. Proceeds support alumni programming and student scholarships for the nonprofit WVU Alumni Association.
Sponsorship Information
To become an official sponsor of the Marmaduke Dent Benefit, or to purchase an entire table for your company, please contact David Allaway,
Who is Marmaduke H. Dent?
Marmaduke H. Dent was born in Monongalia County in the town of Granville on April 18, 1849. West Virginia University opened in 1867, and he became the first WVU graduate in 1870 and the first president of the WVU Alumni Association.
After a lifetime of career achievements – among them a deputy clerk, a lawyer, and a judge on the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals – Marmaduke H. Dent possessed true Mountaineer spirit.
In 1993, the Marmaduke Dent Society, which provides sustaining support for alumni programs and operations, was founded in honor of Mr. Dent.
The Marmaduke H. Dent Society
Founded in 1993, the Marmaduke H. Dent Society recognizes the thoughtful generosity of those loyal benefactors of the West Virginia University Alumni Association who want to continue the Association’s traditions by providing additional financial support for the future of the organization.
Named for WVU’s first graduate and first president of the Alumni Association, the Dent Society recognizes lifetime cumulative giving through membership donation levels ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 or more. Contributions are invested in an endowment to ensure a steady stream of income, and only the earnings from the endowment are expended.
The Dent Society provides sustaining support for alumni programs and operations, including long-term support determined by the WVU Alumni Association Board of Directors.
Qualifying donors to the Dent Society receive appropriate acknowledgment with a plaque inside The Erickson Alumni Center, invitations to annual Dent Society events, listing in alumni publications, recognition for all Foundation giving levels, and invitations to special athletic events.
All gifts should be made to The Dent Society, WVU Foundation (Tax Identification Number 55-6017181) for the benefit of the WVU Alumni Association.