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Make a Gift

Tradition Starts Here

Being a Mountaineer is a lifetime membership. As a graduate and loyal friend of West Virginia University, you never really leave it behind; you are forever an integral part of the life of WVU and the WVU Alumni Association is your link to the university. We are proud to maintain that connection and engagement for our more than 200,000 alumni worldwide and offer a home away from home for our alumni and friends at The Erickson Alumni Center.

Through the Alumni Association, our alumni community has a variety of ways to give back to WVU from supporting promising students with scholarships to global outreach for our graduates. As our alumni pool grows, even more will be expected from the Association — more ideas, more programs, and more connections. We can and will exceed those expectations, but only with your generosity and commitment.

How do I give back?

We have several options in place to assist you on your giving journey.

Cash gifts:

Make an outright gift online or mail us a check. Make your checks payable to the WVU Foundation and make sure to designate “WVU Alumni Association” in the memo portion of the check. You will receive a tax deduction based upon the value of your contribution.

Mail checks to:

WVU Alumni Association
ATTN: David Allaway
PO Box 4269
Morgantown, WV 26504

Endowments and pledge of support:

Are you interested in making a larger contribution that is payable over a few years? Consider creating an endowment through the WVU Foundation or signing a multi-year pledge of support. You may designate your gift to support a specific program or area of need within the Alumni Association.

Endowments may be in your own name, but they can also be named in honor of a loved one or an influential person in your life. Endowments allow for the long-term success of the Alumni Association through the continued support long after the last payment is made. The WVU Foundation invest gifts received towards the endowment. They disburse the annual income to the Alumni Association while maintaining the corpus of the endowment into perpetuity.

Planned gifts:

Planned gifts allow you to create a lasting legacy at WVU. By combining your personal philanthropic goals and financial plans, your impact on the future of WVU will be felt for years to come. There are several different options for planned giving depending on income levels:

  • Gift provisions in wills or revocable trusts
  • Income-producing gifts
  • Retirement account gifts
  • Life insurance gifts
  • After-death gifts of stock, checking, or savings accounts
  • Real estate gifts

See more information on making your planned gift.

Matching gifts:

Already made a gift or pledge to us? Find out if your company has a matching gift program.

If eligible, please request and complete the matching gift form provided by your employer. You may be able to access the form directly through an online search tool. Follow the procedure set by your employer, then mail your gift and the completed matching gift form.

Mail form to:

WVU Foundation, Inc.
Attn: Matching Gifts Coordinator
One Waterfront Place – 7th Floor
Morgantown, WV 26501-5952

Corporate matching gifts are directed to the same designation as your personal gift unless your employer stipulates otherwise. The WVU Foundation, Inc. will recognize your contribution for the full amount of your personal gift plus the resulting corporate match.


Interested in learning more? Contact David Allaway, Director of Development, at

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